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Belfast Met becomes a College of Sanctuary and AGM – 15th May 2019



























Belfast Met becomes a College of Sanctuary and AGM – 15th May 2019

The big event of the morning was the presentation to Belfast Met of its Award of College of Sanctuary. In truth Belfast Met has been preparing for this day for some very considerable time by teaching English and other skills to newcomers of all ages. The College passed with flying colours, and continues to welcome and support those seeking to acquire skills which later may translate into employment or further study.

What a morning we had. We took this opportunity to hold our AGM at the College itself. Welcome to our new Chair, Israel Eguaogie who takes over from Colin Flinn. Welcome to new committee members and office bearers too.

It was a busy morning with School of Sanctuary Choir from out fist School of Sanctuary, Blythefield Primary School performing, followed by Sipho Sibanda outlining the year’s achievements. poetry by Anesu Khanya Mtowa recited by her mother, Nandi Jola and a talk by Naomi Green of Belfast Islamic Centre on Women and Islam followed by questions and discussion.

Tiffy Allen, retiring from the role of Coordinator of Places of Sanctuary Ireland, launched her book ‘A Hundred Thousand Welcomes – The Story of City of Sanctuary’, followed by readings from Sipho Sibanda, Sandra Griffiths and Colin Flinn who had all contributed stories to make up this book.